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What if I don’t want to share certain data anymore?
What if I don’t want to share certain data anymore?

Opt-out options

Written by JP
Updated over a week ago

Don't want to share your data anymore?

You've got lots of options in Reklaim!

You can go into any Reward and opt-out at the bottom of the screen.

(Note: Opting out will mean you are no longer able to receive points on a weekly basis for that reward).

Alternatively, you can opt out of all data sales from the Account screen accessible through the top-left menu button. This is the equivalent to a global opt-out and as such you will no longer be able to receive any points for rewards.

Lastly, you can choose to delete your account and we will delete all of your data from our systems and notify all partners we share/sell data with to do the same. You can delete your account from the Account screen.

(NOTE: Account deletion is not reversible and all points accumulated are lost forever)

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